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☕️ Crafting a compassionate rejection email...

Plus: Here's how you can maximize social media impact

Today’s Tech Creator issue is 1094 words, a 5-minute read.

This time, we’re looking at social media marketing, tips on how to write a rejection email and more!


Let’s talk about social media strategies… 

In today's digital age, social media is a marketing powerhouse—affordable, fast, and highly effective for building relationships and garnering instant feedback. However, leveraging it requires a strategic approach and meticulous management to truly unlock its potential.

Identify your goals:

  • Facebook: Ideal for fostering relationships and engaging with a broad audience.

  • Instagram: Perfect for lifestyle brands, particularly those in food, travel, and art.

  • TikTok: The go-to platform for creating viral video content and capturing attention quickly.

But don’t stop there. Platforms like LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and X (formerly Twitter) each offer distinct advantages. Dive into thorough research to pinpoint the ones that align best with your business objectives.

Crafting your strategy:

Once you’ve zeroed in on your platforms, it’s time to develop tailored content strategies for each. Here’s a streamlined approach:

  1. Develop a content marketing strategy: Tailor your content to suit the unique vibe and audience of each platform.

  2. Consistency is key: Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed.

  3. Use a social media calendar: Plan your posts in advance to ensure a steady stream of content.

  4. Analyze and adapt: Regularly review your performance metrics to refine your strategy and boost effectiveness.

The bottom line: Social media can be a game-changer for your business when used wisely. By selecting the right platforms and crafting a consistent, strategic approach, you can harness its full potential to drive growth and build lasting customer relationships. Stay committed, stay strategic, and watch your social media presence soar.


Dive into the latest social media insights shaping 2024. Learn how AI is revolutionizing content creation, how to build thriving communities, and how to capitalize on social commerce. 

Elevate your strategy and download HubSpot’s 2024 Social Trends Report to access expert advice and actionable recommendations.

With strategies tailored for the future, this report is your key to unlocking the full potential of your brand’s social media this year. 


Writing a rejection email

Hey there—let’s talk about a not-so-fun but absolutely crucial part of leadership: writing rejection emails. It’s an art that requires a balance of empathy and professionalism, ensuring you maintain your company’s image while letting candidates down gently.

Personalize your message: Think about it 👉 your candidate might already be swimming in a sea of rejections. So, make your email stand out with a touch of personalization. Yes, templates are convenient, but adding specific mentions of what they did well during the interview can go a long way. A little empathy here can make a big difference. If possible, offer some constructive feedback too.

Keep it clear and simple: While it’s important to be kind, clarity should never be sacrificed. Avoid turning into a poet—just keep your language straightforward. Make sure the candidate understands their application status without any confusion. Being direct doesn’t mean you have to be harsh.

Open the lines of communication: Here’s a pro tip 👉 let your candidates know they can reach out if they have any questions or need further feedback. This small gesture can enhance your company’s reputation and show that you care about their professional journey.

The takeaway: Rejection emails don’t have to be a dreaded task. By personalizing your message, keeping it clear, and inviting further communication, you can handle rejections with grace and empathy. Remember, every interaction is an opportunity to reflect the professionalism and values of your company.


How to find email addresses for leads (part 1)

We’ve covered the ins and outs of crafting effective cold emails in our previous edition, but there’s still one burning question: how do you get the email addresses to send those cold emails to? Spoiler alert: generic company emails won’t cut it—they often end up ignored or lost. Let’s dive into some proven strategies for finding sales-generating email addresses.

Social media: your goldmine…

Social media isn’t just for networking; it’s a treasure trove for finding direct contacts. Start with LinkedIn. Identify the company you’re targeting and search for the key person based on their title and position. Scan their profile to confirm they’re still with the company and check if their email is listed. If not, broaden your search to other platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

Leverage your network…

Don’t underestimate the power of simply asking around. Tap into your network—colleagues, friends, family, LinkedIn connections, or even your social media followers. While this approach isn’t foolproof, it can yield surprising results and occasionally land you that elusive email address.

The Google search tactic…

Yes, good old Google can be your ally here. Once you’ve identified the person you need to contact, try searching for their email. If they have a common name like “Joe Schmo,” refine your search:

  • Joe Schmo + Company Name

  • Joe Schmo + Company Website

  • Joe Schmo + Job Title

Extra tips…

If the above methods don’t work, consider using email finder tools like Apollo.ai. Another handy trick is using Google’s Site

function to narrow down your search results.

Good luck, and happy emailing!


Everything you need to know today

See you all next week!