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  • 👀 The importance of a waitlist 💬 Indeed’s new tool…

👀 The importance of a waitlist 💬 Indeed’s new tool…

Plus: Why you shouldn’t always be a yes person.

Welcome back to another edition of the new and fresh Tech Creator. We hope you'll find today's content useful!

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Why a waitlist is so important and how to set one up? 🤔

Let us tell you why waitlists are important and how to set them up for your business.

Why? Build Excitement.

Building hype for your product is important, especially when you’re launching a new product, collection, or line. 

Having a waitlist plants the idea that your product will be in high demand upon release and creates a sense of urgency amongst potential customers.

Why? Data Collection.

When your customers sign up for your waitlist, they will provide your business with their contact information, like their email, number, and maybe even address. 

This gives you a list of people that are interested in your product that you can now directly sell and market towards. 

You can also now send them emails with promotions and details about your product launch to create more excitement and offer incentives. 

Why? Estimate demand

Knowing your market is important, but knowing how big it is, is equally important. When people sign up for your waitlist, it gives you an estimated idea of the demand of your product. 

You can now prepare ahead for a large order, or cut down cost if the demand forecast is low and shift your focus towards marketing your product a little better.

How? Choose a platform & set up your page

Many platforms can help you set up your waitlist page easily. 

One of them is Unicorn Platform. Depending on the platform you choose, you will usually have the liberty to choose a waitlist template, and then start customizing it. 

How? Make your waitlist a success

When you create your waitlist, make sure the design is simple, but still captures attention with high quality visuals and minimalistic designs

While designs play a key role in capturing attention, you can also turn heads by offering incentives, like an early access or special discount. 

Next, be sure to promote your waitlist through email marketing, social media and ads, and don’t forget to follow up with your subscribers frequently. 

Send them a thank you note, update them on any information related to your product, and most importantly, be sure to add a compelling CTA (Call-To-Action) button, and keep the overall experience easy and simple.

To wrap it up, waiting lists can play a huge role when you’re about to launch a new product. 

Make sure to design your waiting list appropriately, update it frequently, offer incentives and do not forget to promote it as much as you can. 


Indeed’s Smart Sourcing Aims To Help With Talent Matching

Finding the right talent is no easy feat. But fear not, Indeed is rolling out a new feature that is here to help. 

Smart Sourcing

There is more to looking for the right candidate than just posting a job. A person who works in Talent Acquisition would easily tell you that one of the hardest parts of TA is screening through a large amount of data. 

Indeed says they know just how to help with this. They’ve recently announced a rebranded and upgraded version of their Indeed Resume, now known as Smart Sourcing. 

What does Smart Sourcing do?

Indeed is one of the largest job search platforms with at least 300 million global “active users,” according to Deepti Patibandla, Indeed’s senior director of product management.

Smart Sourcing will help recruiters sift through these active users based on their resume and preferences collected by the platform, then suggest the best matches. Patibandla says that this will help reduce the recruiting time by half, and that beta users of this feature have reported a confirmation of time reduction.

How is Smart Sourcing different?

With the rise of AI, many job boards are incorporating it to help recruiters with talent acquisition. Smart Sourcing aims to do the same, by providing just a little more: 

  • Narrows down the number of right candidates.

  • Summarises candidates’ resumes for easy consideration.

  • Helps craft and create outreach messages for recruiters (and it uses the right tone too!).

  • Has collaboration capacities with platforms like Greenhouse and Workday.

The capacity of AI and new Talent Acquisition tools like Smart Sourcing by Indeed is definitely the right kind of help that recruiters need these days. However, let’s hope that these tools work positively both ways, and do not hamper the chances of a job hunter while easing the load of a recruiter. 


Being A Yes Man Isn’t Always The Best Way In Sales

If you’ve seen Jim Carrey’s Yes Man, you’ll know a little of why saying ‘No’ should sometimes be your best friend instead. 

When you’re in Sales, it is easy to lose sight of what’s important, and which is the actual priority. 

This is when saying ‘No’ comes in. 

Know what is important

Sales is a daunting role that keeps sales leaders on the go, go, go. At a point, everything and every meeting becomes important, until you’re running out of hours in a day to tackle it all. 

Sometimes, not everything on your list is top priority and deserves a little ‘No’. According to Alex Alleyne, you should list out your three most important tasks for the day and dedicate your working hours to those. Everything else after number three should take second place, and if it can be rescheduled or delegated, then it should. 

Get used to saying no

“No” is such a simple word, yet most of us find it hard to say, especially when we’re facing our colleagues or superior. 

But knowing how to prioritise your work and meetings makes you far more productive and successful than, say, you sitting in a less important meeting, daydreaming about your next meal.

If your work or meeting could: 

  • Be done at the end of the day/ week

  • Communicated through a short video, email or voice note

  • Communicated faster

  • Handled by another colleague

Then it is alright for you to decline and focus on a more urgent task at hand. 

More tips

Being bombarded by emails and messages are normal at work, and especially if you’re in sales. You may feel the need to allocate time to respond to each message in your inbox daily, but maybe this isn't the right way.

Try to practise replying first only to urgent and important emails first. You’ll notice that even if you don’t respond immediately to some messages, the problem will eventually be solved, because the sender would then be prompted to come up with a solution, instead of just asking for one. 

So you see … saying “No” doesn’t always have to be a bad thing. 

Latest Tech News

Tech throwback: April 8, 1983

It’s hard to believe that this took place 41 years ago. 

On April 8th, 1983, John Sculley, who was the president of PepsiCo was named as the CEO of Apple Inc. 

Apple believed that Sculley had the right skills, temperament, and discipline to run the company and could greatly contribute— especially towards marketing. 

All Steve Jobs had to do was say: “Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life? Or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

And the rest was history. 

And that concludes this edition of Tech Creator. Practise your “No-s” and see you next week for more!